Pigman visits Choke Canyon Lodge!

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Over the 4th of July weekend, we were honored to have as our guests, Brian “Pigman” Quaca, Luepold Optics’ CEO Bruce Pettet, and Kickin’ B Hunting. The group was here filming an episode for Brian’s television show “Pigman” that airs on the Sportsman Channel. Marshall Bryant and Garren Still from Kickin’ B served as the group’s bowfishing guides and were able to put them on some good fish for filming. Garren said they shot many Alligator Gar, Needle Nose Gar, Shortnose Gar and Buffalo Carp. Choke Canyon Lake is known for its trophy size gar and over the past few months, we have had many customers come from all over the United States to our lake for their opportunity to snag a BIG ONE! If you are interested in having the chance to snag your own trophy gar, just let us know. We would be happy to share the names and numbers of a select few Alligator Gar guides with you. The “Pigman” episode that was filmed during their visit will air this Fall. Once we know the date of the airing, we will announce it here, on Facebook, and Instagram. We sure enjoyed hosting this group and can’t wait to see the show!